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The best planter for strawberries are the kinds that have space and proper drainage. Growing strawberries is easy; it is one of the easiest plants you can grow with planters aside from garden beds. You can grow them in terracotta strawberry planters and hanging planters. When growing strawberries, you also have to consider the type. There are different types of strawberries, and they are suitable for different planters. Let’s discuss strawberries more. 

The Best Planter For  Strawberries

The best planter for strawberries are pots. Well, not just your standard plant pot or any type of pot. The type of pot to use for growing strawberries should be a kind that is at least 8-12 inches wide. It is because the strawberry plant has a shallow root structure and a spreading growth habit. The pot should be wide and shallow with good drainage. These pots are also known as terracotta strawberry planters.

What is the Best Planter For Strawberries?

You can use plastic, clay, or ceramic pottery as planters for strawberries. These pots are perfect for growing strawberries as you can easily cover them with sawdust or straw to overwinter them. Terracotta strawberry planters also allow for easy transportation in case you want to move the plant into a sheltered area.

The pot should not be dark-colored, but a light colored pot. A light-coloured pot will keep the plant cool in summer when compared to a dark pot.

Apart from using terracotta strawberry planters, you can make use of hanging strawberry planters or baskets. The strawberries will also grow well in the hanging strawberry planters. 

Types of Strawberries to Grow On Planters?

There are different types of planters for strawberries. We have the terracotta planters and also the hanging planter.  It is good to know the type of strawberries you want to cultivate to choose the best planter for it. There are three categories of strawberry fruit. We have the June-bearing strawberry, Everbearing strawberry, and Day-neutral strawberry. Each category of these strawberries is better suited for a specific planter. 

The June- bearing strawberry is a type of fruit that produces large produce annually. They are best suited for growing on garden beds instead of a planter.

While the everbearing is a strawberry type that gives less produce. It is not like the June-bearing strawberry that produces large amounts of fruit. It makes the everbearing good for growing on terracotta or hanging strawberry planters. 

Growing Strawberries

What is the Best Planter For Strawberries?

 To start growing a strawberry,  you will need to have the seedlings at hand. Apart from that, you will also need strawberry fertilizer, potting mix, strawberry planter, and a watering can. After you have gotten everything ready, you can begin planting.

Strawberries are sensitive to cold weather except for day-neutral strawberries. If you live in a warm region, start planting your strawberries in the early spring or the fall. 

The type of soil you choose can influence the growth of your strawberry plant. When choosing a soil type, select loose, loamy soil for your strawberry. 

Then, add potting mix inside your strawberry planter and make a small mound in the middle. You can now spread the seeds over the mound and cover it with additional potting mix. When growing your strawberries, ensure you expose them to adequate sunlight. Place your strawberry planter in a spot that receives about six to eight hours of sun per day.

If you want your strawberries to grow well, spread them apart. Do not grow too many strawberries in the terracotta planter. You can grow only one or two strawberry plants in a planter.

How to Care For Strawberries In Planters

What is the Best Planter For Strawberries?

Growing strawberries in a planter requires more care than growing them on the ground. To care for strawberries in planters, you need to water them frequently, especially in summer. In summer, the soil in the strawberry planter dries out faster when compared to growing it on the ground. Hence, you have to water them properly so that the plant will thrive well. Use a watering can to water your strawberry planters daily.

Apart from that, you should also add strawberry fertilizer to the planter to make it grow well. Add a liquid fertilizer to your strawberry every three to four weeks to make it grow well. 

 Lastly, overwinter your strawberry plants. During winter, move your strawberry planter to a sheltered area or a garage. You can also mulch up your strawberry planter in milder climates. Mulch up around the strawberry planter and leave it until spring.


The best planters for strawberries should be a type that is wide with good drainage. You can use terracotta strawberry planters and hanging strawberry planters.